Friday, August 31, 2007


...You Think You Can Dance. Started last night, and we watched it on a group of my friends' weekly Vegas/Poker (formerly Heroes) night. We started thinking up other concepts for the tv show. I might just ramble some off the top of my head, as quickly as I can, starting... NOW! (9:55 AM)

So you think you're from France?
So you think you've got pants?
So you think you've got hot pants?
So you think you've got shpants?
So you think you've got shpoveralls?
So you think you've got shpoverandals? (Apologies. In-joke. Shorts + Pants + Overalls + Sandals = the greatest one-piece outfit of all time.)
So you think you can imitate a kitchen appliance?
So you think you're a truck?
So you think you're Optimus Prime?
So you're kidding yourself and can't dance?
So you think you can make up other amusing concepts for the "So you think you can..." idea, and then fail?

Well, that was embarassing. Now I'm going to Phillip Island for the weekend. And am doing my 40 Hour Famine... ARMLESS. Awesome. Hopefully I can get someone to film me doing some stuff with no arms... and hopefully not when people kick me in the back so that I fall on my face.

Armless challenge starting... NOW! (10 AM) I typed this senternmcer with mmy feet and nodzse. YAY! yes i dfid jusdt usde twoop ffeert foprt the erxccllamation mnaarrkj!!!!!!!!!


  1. My goodness Ben...armless!!
    This is kind of exciting, as I might win a fight with you for once, well I better start training my boxing skills for this weekend. I will definately will film it. See you in the car at 5pm tonight. Yay we are going on a jolly holiday, not with Mary, but to the Jolly Retreat.
    Love your sis

  2. So you think you can rant?
    So you think you can eat glue?
    So you think you're a tree?
    So you think you can fly?
    So you think you can inhale split peas?
    So you think you can do a back flip legless?
    So you think you are a dwarf?
    So you think you can drive a boat?
    So you think you can blog?

  3. So you think you can... schmance?
    I am so good at this game.

    Shpoverandals are my favourite. That's what I want from you as a present for my 1 year blog anniversary, which is coming up.

  4. Lauren: Armless indeed. You experienced the glorious task of feeding me ice cream, wiping my mouth and blowing my nose. Lucky you!

    Sime: I do think all of these things. So you think you can take a month off and leave me to wreak (Isn't that the stupidest spelling of a word ever?)havoc in your office? Yes you do.

    Jono: Shpoverandals are my dream.

  5. Wow, shpoverandalls. Bet they'd be in fashion BIG time...


    So you think you can write a blog?

    Well... yes I suppose you can.

  6. Schpoverandals are best. So you think you can write a blog more often? You should.

  7. So you think you can procrastinate for me?

    No, don't do it. What to blog about??
