Sunday, July 15, 2007

Wisdom from Agent K

"It's not change that sucks. It's the people complaining that suck."

I like.


  1. Awesome. This is very true. There are certain aspects of change that aren't all that great, though, but mostly they just happen, and you have to deal with it, even if it is bad change.
    Also, is Agrent K who I think she is? Or is HE who I think HE is? Or are you not going to say. Either way is good.
    I changed my hair colour. Is this good change? Yes. It is now blue.

  2. Aspects of change may not be great, but what can you really do to change that? Change happens, and that's a fact.

    Agent K is whoever you want K to be. But I'm sure you can figure it out.

    Blue hair? When? Why? Is it the same one I had last week?

  3. Yes, it was the same blue hair you had last week. It was destroyed by Agent D, but Agent K came along and fixed it up. Also, Agent K is from Men In Black. Yes. I would be agent 1 if I were in that movie.

  4. Agent D... makes me want to kick him/her/it.

    I am Agent Awesome. Agent 1 doesn't really seem to work. Agent Best.

    If you had to dye your hair, what colour would it be? Would you actually go magenta?

  5. YES. But in thwe serious world, no, I would probably go a lighter shade of brown, but am not sure.

  6. i choose to be agent hotness.
    i actually forgot the quote.
    this is so awkward.
    i just read it.
    REALLY unsure of how to rectify the situation.
    perhaps i will post again later.

  7. Yes. A comment.. on the comments. Good on you. Keep up the good work Agent H. Comment again later, fo' shiz.zle.


  8. okay.
    reread the quote by agent k.
    here is agent h's interpretation:
    it IS the peopne complaining that suck. change CAN be sucky however, but it is almost always inevitable, and i find it ridiculous if people expect things around them not to change. it will. it always does, and the quicker you learn to accept this and embrace it the happier you will be.

    p.s i wrote a blog HA!

  9. Change can be uncomfortable, and not what you want yes. But you're right, there isn't much you can do to really change that change from changing things into a changed other thing. I think a lot of it is that people like to feel in control, and like they aren't being dragged along by someone else or some other force.

    Change is inevitable, and the more open-minded we are, the happier we'll be. I struggle with it sometimes. But I know that's what I should do.


  10. Is it complaining when you complain about complainers?

  11. Maybe so. As long as you make an effort to not be like them all the time, you win!

  12. Its not complaining that suck, its brocken vaccumers that suck, or do they? I tried cleaning my room with juan. Tres annoying, he couldn't even start the damn thing. Anyways sweet quote.

    But i prefer:

    Live free. Or die hard!


    Bring the noise

    Forever yours Sam

  13. Damn, i wish they had spell check on these things, then i wouldn't look like such a doofus.

  14. Are you up for a trip to Mexico some time to watch some juan on juan basketball?

    Would you rather..

    Live free or die hard?

    Cos we are gonna beEEEE, (high forever)
    Forever you and meEEE, (you me together)
    You will always keep me, (high forever)
    FLYIN'high in the sky... (you me together)

  15. Sometimes I feel like Agent K, ok a lot of the time when we're talking about change. Especially when you're attempting to make a change that will feel unusual at first, but in the long run has positive results. People who do not embrace change are not static, they're moving backwards...change is a part of life, learn to love it, and learn to grow through it. Welcome to the real world.

  16. Welcome to the real world. Welcome the cruel world. Buy that cd.
