Wednesday, July 25, 2007


One of the things I want to do in my lifetime, and it's been a goal for quite a while now, is to be a teacher. Some of the others are to be a missionary, continue running Africa Aid, and more recently, to go into ministry. For pretty much all of those, lots of people - family included - say to me, "Why do you want to do that? You have to give so much time, and get almost nothing in return." Of course, they mean money. But you see... I know you need money to get by. Keywords being get by. I know I need to earn a bit to survive and keep up a standard of living (that will probably be better than that of the majority of the world, as I am part of the lucky 10% or so of Earth's population). I just don't care that much, and don't want lots of money. I never really have. Of course, if a million dollars was to come my way, I wouldn't say no. I'd want to do something good with it though. (and yes. would probably buy some crap too.) I felt weird about it in primary school, because lots of people wanted to be rich (that's not just in primary school I guess). I was more interested in doing something interesting with my life. I feel like I'm being high and mighty. Hope not. I don't want to come across as that.

ANYWAY. This is a video. A speech. A poem - part of 'Slam Poetry'. You might say it's a bit dramatic, but I think it holds truth, and it is like that because of how much passion(fruit) this guy has for teaching. I get the same sort of feeling when I teach someone something, or can see someone learning. Learning is one of the things I guess I value most in life, and to be able to be part of someone else's learning feels special to me. Enjoy. Interested to see what people think of it.


  1. Yes, he is rather dramatic, isn't he? But the stuff he said was cool. I, too have always wanted to teach. Teaching is my favourite. I love learning stuff, amnd teaching it to people. That is, anything I learn. I actually used to get so excited about stuff I learnt, e.g. at school, that I would get home and try and teach it to my siblings. But for some reason, I am not too sure a career in teaching is exactly my thing. I am not sure.
    It is very cool that oyu want to dot hese thigns, regardless of money issues. Awesomeness. I hope you can have achieved them all one day.

  2. Gotta love the quote above: "Teaching is my favorite."

    Personally I'm not a big teacher fan, not the whole money issue, but more because most teachers come out of school, go to uni and end up back at school. Seems kind of.. cyclic.

    To teach, i feel, you have to be in love with the subject, get a firm grip of it, a la Mr Wei, Mrs Pavy etc, Thats why so many Profs. are so inspiring/engaging.

    En Revanche, if your aim is to inspire rather than teach (Mr. Robbo Mr. Mause), something that you are no doubt good at, then kudos. Kudos Ben.

    The whole, teaching subject year after year with little change(sans the students) and no personal progression often destroys the moral/fulfillment/inspiration of a teacher(a la E. Krupable)

    Also i hate kids.


    Anyway, thats my negative nelly, i have two last words for you.

    Carpe Diem Ben, Carpe Diem
    (That means seize the day in Latin if you don't know)(see i'm good at teaching)


  3. Why does that say Corey? I am not Corey, and I can not be bothered signing in. Stop using this computer, Corey.
    I am Emwoodface.

    That was good. I have wanted to be a teacher too. Not sure yet, but it's definitely there...

    Yes, he was very dramatic... If I ever become a teacher, I want to make a difference, not just teach text book facts.

  4. i loved that.
    i actually watched it a couple of times i liked it so much.
    i think what he is saying is exactly true.
    i dont understand how you can judge someone on how much money they earn. A lot of people do a job because they enjoy it, and also because, as he said, they are "making a difference".
    what bigger difference is there than teaching future generations things they need to know?
    teachers in some ways help sculpt students.
    i think that is a beautiful thing.
    and that is why i am doing teaching.
    plj xx

  5. Jono: Firstly, I notice you have changed from 'Captain Best' to 'jono'. I approve of this change.

    Teaching is good, I love. I did the same thing as you - if I learnt something or read something new, I'd tell everyone. They'd usually tell me to go away. So I would... to find more stuff to tell them.

    You might be a good teacher, who knows? You do well in Garage.

    Sam: It's kinda cyclic, but so much more complex than that. But I understand what you're saying, and I think it's important teachers get some other life experiences along the way. But like I said, the second time you're at school, it's for a different reason.

    Passion for what you teach is important, I agree. It is no good teaching something you don't care about.

    I do hope to inspire through teaching yes, but I will teach to help, not to gain recognition for inspiration.

    To teach well and to challenge the students, I think you need to also challenge yourself. Which is why I think it's awesome when teachers take up extra stuff, like Africa Aid.

    Appreciate your insightful comment. Carpe Diem.

    Corey/Em: I think that's why I want to be a teacher - not because I am teaching facts, but because I'm teaching other stuff too. Being a positive role model is good.

    Emmalee: Awesome. Agreed. Love teaching. Let's open a school? Yes. Have watched it about fifteen times. plj.

  6. Haha, I changed my name ages ago. Mayeb a whole two weeks, or one week or something. I still want to change my picture to something else, something enw and fresh, but what can I use besides a photo of my face? That is so boringhead. Boringface, even.

  7. I find it ironic that the people who have the enormous task of educating and shaping the young minds of today, are paid one of the lowest salaries for university educated employees. Parents are giving more and more responsibility to teachers, not only to pass on "facts" but to also engender values, ethics, morals; a huge responsibility!! Don't we all want to "make a goddamn difference" in the world we live in? Hell yeah.

  8. Jono: Draw what you would look like if you were a picture of something other than your face.

    Sime: I agree with all you have said. You are correct. To teach is an honourable position to be in, and to say it is not so based on its pay makes you unworthy of anything as good. Or something like that. Hell. Yes.
