Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Product of Procastinating Minds

This is a Facebook conversation between Ms. Sarah Lay and myself, whilst both avoiding exam study. Enjoy/be disgusted/be confused. We'll be fielding questions all week.
Status update: Sarah is stoked that Frankston won the grand final of intimate frisbee.
Ben: ...intimate frisbee?
Sarah: frankston thing, admit it, your jealous :) (later deleted)
Sarah: its a frankston thing, there's no need to ask. If it seems stupid, it is.
Ben: way to write twice, then delete once.
nonetheless, intimate frisbee would be an interesting experience.
Sarah: it's how it's done. plus i decided i don't paticularly like frankston in jokes.
Ben: ...would also be a painful experience. frisbees flying (intimately) out of nowhere. could take someone's eye out.
Sarah: a similar incident happened to aj, but not eyes.
intimately painful....
how long have you been on facebook today?
Ben: twas on while studying at midday, and then just came on again whilst watching ramsay's.
...not much study is getting done.
how long have YOU?
Sarah: twice while attempting to study. right now i'm learning about price stability.
it's not very interesting.
i'd much rather talk about my inability to write messages once, or intimate frisbee.
Ben: or your intimacy with writing messages once on frisbees.
Sarah: surely not.
..would you like to receive intimate messages on frisbees?
it seems a little odd/romantic way.
say you smacked the person in the face with your romantic frisbee message.. oh i give up.
Ben: knocked out (/up? ha) by the flying disc of love.
some say that is the ultimate way to propose.
Sarah: yes. and then you wake up with them in your face. how lovely.
some would say we have to much time on our hands...
Ben: others would say we are the greatest poets of this modern day era.
imagine if, one day, stuff written on facebook walls was considered great literature. first would be the myspace epoch, followed by the facebook reformation.
...i'm a literature nerd?
Sarah: ..ill buy your memoir.
as long as there is mention of our creepy conversations.
placenta anyone?
Ben: haha in cake or hair cream form?
oh kyla. you truly are the queen of placenta.
... this must look pretty weird on your wall. both this message... and placenta.
Sarah: i know, when she said that i was just thinking, placenta hair?
some of the odd things i come up with.
it doesn't matter, i have the words 'flying disc of love' on my wall, can't get much better than that.
Ben: you got my 400th wall post. congrats.
yeh i thought those words were a bit of literary inspiration.
quite clearly, i'm putting my intellect into facebook posts over philosophy of religion notes. i think most people would agree it's a good choice.
Sarah: yes, and some may find it wierd.
but you know i'm a fan.
blog this conversation BC. do ittt!
p.s i think i know how to use this wall thing well and truly now. yay.
Ben: i may just. THIS will be the last post in the run before blogging.
Sarah: hooray. blog on placentas & discs of love.
do you think anyone will understand?
Ben: most likely not. but it won't be the first time my blog's been incomprehensible.
* Edit: The conversation has just kept on going in the comments. Ridiculous.


  1. haha i've been labelled in your blog.

    now that i read it i've decided we need help.


  2. This will, most likely, not amuse a single person apart from you and I.

    We are... twisted individuals.

  3. yes, or it may disgust kyla, because we disgussed her liking of placenta shampoo.

    twisted, yet very cool. in your world.

  4. disgussed?

    don't know what I was writing/thinking/blinking then...

  5. Ha, I don't think she ever said she was a fan of it, just that she had some.

    But yeh... she'll probably distance herself from us pretty soon.

  6. it doesn't matter, the fact that you own some is pretty random..

    i think it's past my bed time.

    i just went to type something and it came out all wrong...again.

  7. Sure is.

    PS. I sense this comments area is turning into another conversation haha.

  8. msn, facebook, comments. i should probably come see you in person more often...

  9. Probably. But know this... when we do hang out, as we did this weekend... stuff like these conversations happens.

    Still, worth it.

  10. agreed..

    ..and stop.

  11. ok sure.

    i can't believe we are now talking about my inability to type at night/think at night/type in the dark.

    we are sad people.

    p.s you should study economics ben, rock trading it's the new stockmarket..

  12. Based solely on that advice, I will quit uni, my job, and everything else in my life. I will sell all my possessions, empty my bank accounts, and invest everything I have in rocks.

  13. glad to see my advice is worth something.


    you make me smile. or use word combinations. either one.

  14. smilombinations?

    GO TO BED!

  15. that's a good one.

    i would, except i forgot to finish the cheat sheet.

    stupid rock class.

  16. Rockonomics is awesome.


    I'm getting worse.

  17. iamdoingmycheatsheetbutthenijustsortofleavetheblogwindowopen-itis? your are wose than i am, this an illease, or disness?

    it's slightly ridiculous,
    i wrote rockonomic principles in stead of economic.

    not joking?

  18. Ha. When you write too long, it gets cut off.

    Keep rockonomics on your cheat sheet, and write it on your test. Many years from now, it will be a prestigious course to get into. Rockonomics 101 with Prof. Sarah Lay.

  19. yes, where i teach people that little rocks are better than big rocks because the little rocks are more special.

    i've just finihshed reading the warm fuzzies blog. i think im ready for a teary.

    professor sarah lay where her lecture theatre is decoratred with lots of colours, and you learn that all work must be submitted by facebook.

    wave of the future?!

  20. ps. i posted a blog! proud?

  21. Correct. Keep up the consistency.

  22. Wow. That is an impressive blog comment conversation.. Queen of placenta!?!?!?! Also, you are correct, I am not a fan. I have never used it, it merely sits in my bathroom for comedic effect.

  23. Haha Kyla, surely Queen of Placenta would be #1 on the list of names you've been given in your lifetime? I know it would be on mine - it would be an honour.

    I think I may have seen that in your bathroom at your birthday party, and then forgotten to ask what it was all about. Next time we'll get it out and use some...?

  24. Kyla Fullerton wrote
    at 1:46pm
    I'm not sure that I appreciate being refered to as the queen of placenta.

    i love facebook.

    we do love you kyla, it's just placenta came up.

    by the way i have hemp hand cream if it helps?

  25. You guys have so many exotic bathroom accessories. You'd think that me, the King of Creams, would have something interesting. All I have are steroids you rub onto your skin. Not much fun at all.

  26. Look, Ben, I'm pretty impressed by steroid cream! Queen of placenta would definitely be #1 on my list of twisted nicknames.

    And Sarah, I have hemp foot cream also.. Good stuff! Ha!

  27. Where the hell are you guys shopping for cosmetics?

    Surely I'm not shopping in the right place/at all.

  28. i got mine from the body shop.. kyla?

    go the hippy products.

  29. Wow... I feel like this is sacred ground for a comment... I'm intruding on your conversation!

    So why am I still commenting?
    Probably because on the internet... I'm a rebel.

  30. Never is there an intrusion. You are a new member to this ridiculously long comments section.

    You internet rebel you.
