Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The juggernaut keeps on rolling...I didn't even look for this one. It just was a link on a page I was looking at today. The stuff's following me.


  1. My gosh.
    I can't think of a worse ice cream flavour.

    Except maybe Avada Kedavra.

    Which doesn't exist, to my knowledge.

  2. Bacon ice cream makes me want to chuck. I love bacon, but it should be left in it's original form. Pure bacon. Although, bacon vodka could be interesting.

  3. Em: I wonder if Cold Rock will ever take on this one. I'm also not sure how you turn a fictional story's spell into an ice cream flavour, but if it did happen, I'm sure it would taste like death.

    Harry Potter joke! High five?

    Kyla: Bacon vodka would not be interesting, it would be drinking a greasy drink. That. is. gross.

  4. You the Harry Potterest.

    Also, it's an awesomeo insult to go up to someone and call them a mudblood. I have used it many times, and have officially offended one person. She was the President of the Official Australian Chapter of the Harry Potter Fan Club. Not even joking!
