Thursday, December 06, 2007


On Saturday, K took me on a surprise date to the Zoo! It was very exciting, as I haven't been there since I was five. My favourites were the elephants, giraffes, monkeys, and wildcats. I wanted to steal them all. I would put up my pictures but... I don't know how to transfer them off my phone? Wow. A bit embarassing. Also, when I grow up, these are the pets I would like:

  • Labradors
    A cat (maybe) [a wild one would be best]
  • A Galapagos tortoise
  • A gorilla
  • A panda
    Several others
I'm not sure if it's legal to own all those. Probably.


  1. Great to hear you enjoyed your Zoo experience. I love the Zoo, too. It's so much fun to see all of the spectacular animals that we wouldn’t get a chance to see; it is awe inspiring.

    I don't think you'd be allowed to own a could try...

  2. Awesome!
    I love the Zoo.
    Last time I went was in year seven
    I liked the Meerkats because they were so small and cute, I'd always imagined them bigger, like a large cat standing up or something...

  3. Sime: I will try. You'll see.

    Em: This is actually a real thought I had this week: Imagine if a meerkat had the neck of a bracchiosaurus. It was be so amusing. It could wave its head around.
