Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Awkward Dia(b)log

So, um. Hey, Blogspot. How's it goin? Long time no see. Oh, me? Yeh I'm fine, just been busy you know.. uni, church stuff, basketball, life.

...Yeh, so sorry I haven't seen you much lately, just had so much on my plate. I've been organising my 21st, trying to start some assignments, getting busier with the ministry stuff. My cousins came over from Singapore, we went rockclimbing, I learnt to rollerblade. K and I hit 4 years.

Yeh, I know, I've saved a million drafts, I just never get round to finishing them, you know? And I want to respect you, Blogspot, and that's why I save them until I get the chance to make them better. I would never post sub-par rubbish on you. What? What do you mean most of my stuff is nonsense? I don't like your tone Blogspot. Or your font selection, for that matter.

I think it's clear we've come to a cross-roads. I don't think we can be friends anymore - reality or virtual. So let's just remember the mediocre times we had and move on. Probably won't be seeing you round mate.

...Oh, what?! You're expecting? Are you sure? And you're sure that post is mine?... ah, crap. Alright. See you next week then.


  1. You are one of the strangest people I know, but you do amuse me!

    Good luck using the 'can a blog get pregnant...' tag again. I would just tell you that you'll never do it, but considering how much you like to prove me wrong, you probably would.

  2. Also, very nice work with the Dia(b)log.

  3. Thanks Kyla. It's really more of an awkward Mono(b)logue though, isn't it? Should I have at least written dia(b)logue?

    Quick facts: Contrary to popular belief, blogs can not, in fact, get pregnant.

  4. I'm not sure that the belief that blogs can get pregnant is particularly popular.

  5. Updated quick facts: Contrary to popular belief, the belief that blogs can, in fact, get pregnant, is not so popular.
