Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Things That Sound Bad Out Of Context #1

Oh my goodness another beginning of a series that will not doubt die by next week.

Today's words of wisdom:

TH: "It hurts, but in a pleasurable way."

Reckon I'll get that tattooed on my hip. So deep.


  1. This has nothing to do with your post, but I'm so impressed with your blogging consistency. You, BC, are truly a blog-aholic. Nice work.

  2. Ha cheers Sime. None of them are actually very good, so it's just filling in the void till I one day write an absolutely beauty.

  3. Not true! Who wouldn't want to read about "things that sound bad out of context #1" or "bacon band-aids" or "Bacon clocks"...hmmmm, nah just kidding, I love all of your crazy random blogs. They make me laugh :)

  4. You forgot "bacon that sounds bad out of context".

  5. bacon can always sound bad out of context, especially in gaseous form...

  6. I've been trying to fgiure out the plural of series ALLLLLLLLL WEEK.
    But then I forget to look it.

    Look it /up/.

    I think if you got that tattoed on your hip, it would hurt, but in a pleasurable way.

  7. I think it's just serieses. But that looks stupid.

  8. It looks like something Gollum would say.

  9. And by holly-joy we mean Emily.
