Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Apart from sounding like some sort of Russian spacecraft, Urine-Off was also the GoogleAd down the bottom of my page this morning. I'm certain (and I checked) that there there is nothing on my front page about urine or difficulties with the removal of its stain. So, um... I'm sure it's handy, if ever you have the repeated need for mass urine stain removal. Fortunately, I don't have a) children or b) friends that come over and keep weeing on my carpet. I must be missing out.

My two other posts on the weird GoogleAds given to me are here and here. One of them is also about peeing... but for women...standing up. Awesome?


  1. Maybe your blog is prophetic, and you will have the need to remove urine in the not to distant future.

  2. Does this mean you'll be coming over to inspect my carpets in the near future?

  3. I may, and hey, i could bring all my friends with bladder control issues!

  4. Ooo, that might be a wee bit of fun.

  5. Urine-Off!
    Finally... something that actually works!

  6. Ha! I'm so relieved to meet someone with the same chronic urine stain troubles as myself.

  7. I hope this stuff really DOES work.

    I'm literally drowning in urine right now.

  8. Buy yourself all of their stock, that'll clean you up in a jiffy.
