Friday, May 18, 2007


Tony Mumdel. (18 May 2007)

God loves you. Many of us loved you. I'm sorry for all those people who could not see that we as Christians are called to love all, including such special people like you. I'm sorry they were so ignorant as to judge you and distance themselves, without ever trying to know you. I don't know much about your life or your problems. I just know you were a really friendly guy who always shook my hand, and offered my mum and I coffee, and then tea to me because I don't do coffee. And I'm grateful for that.

May you rest in peace. God bless you.


  1. Wow, I love that. Who is the guy who said it, and to whom? I want ot know.

  2. Jono... I wrote that, after finding out about Tony. I'll miss him.

  3. Sorry, I misinterpret5ed what this post was, assuming it was a quote by Tony. Upon realising that Tony was the guy from Doncaster, I now understand.

    I think this is an awesome post, and that you wrote it to tony is awesome, also. I never knew / spoke more than a few words to Tony, but it fills me with sadness to know that I will never have the chance to meet somebody who I could see was such a beautiful person.

  4. Rest In Peace.
    I hope you are happy where you are, and healthy.

  5. For those who are interested, Tony's memorial was on Monday. I didn't manage to go because of an exam, and I really wanted to.

    I was told it was an awesome service, and a great way to remember Tony. I heard it was happy, and open mic, and in honour of his love for coffee, the coffee machine was free. I really like that. I think it honours him well.

    RIP Tony.

    Thanks for saying hello.
